Tuesday, January 26, 2010


sometimes even if we think everything is okay, it's still not okay.

sometimes you just need to accept that things have changed, and embrace that change.

sometimes i wish that things don't have to change, that nothing has to change.

sometimes i pretend to be happy, even if i'm hurting so bad.

sometimes we chose not to say anything, because it will do us no good.

sometimes it hurts so bad, you just want to let go.

sometimes i wish for more time, time to be happy and enjoy the moment.

sometimes i want to talk to you, but you don't have the time and energy.

sometimes i hope you think of me, and not judge me.

sometimes i can feel the pain, i just shrug it off and show off a good front.

sometimes i'm numb, i don't want to feel anything anymore.

sometimes please think of me, be with me, talk to me, be your old self.

sometimes is not good thing, it's a bad sign of things yet to come. 

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