ZONG TIME. ate dinner at zong alabang with chucky, micky and jocky. best foursome! super laugh trip on the way to alabang, joko and i listened to britney's greatest hit's album and i don't know what's up with me and joko pero tawa kami ng tawa. weird.
i love zong's pan fried chicken encrusted in salted egg. yummy! funny because it's chuck's favorite at zong as well so we ordered to big bowl of it but still naubos namin and it seems like if we have three bowls chuck can still finish it all. hahaha! we finished all our food except on slice of fried tofu. hehehe!

after dinner we went to chucks crib (aka future playboy mansion) at hillsborough, he toured us around his mansion and then we took some pics and made tambay at his house yosi area. we had this question and answer thing and its fun fun fun!! and then on the way home joko and i stopped for coffee at caltex alabang, browsed through cosmo and some other covers of mags. cosmo astrology thing rocks!
(at kaming 4 lang makakagets niyan!)

§ ana is still "tampo" kay omeng, and as a PEACEMAKER i'm trying to convince her to make peace na with omeng kase sad naman if they are not okay.
§ 27 days til bora! woot woot!
§ t.r.o.u.b.l.e. in paradise and its sad. i don't want them fighting and i know the feeling of being left out. freaking sad and nakakabad trip yun.
§ i'm loving adsense! yeah yeah yeah!!
§ he's moving out and will try to move on.
§ must lose weight now na!! hahahha!!
§ i want to eat taho! there's a manong selling taho every day along ayala ave, and i crave for one everytime i pass by. whoa! soya!
§ i'm thinking of selling cool belts from thailand/hongkong...business na ito! let's go miki and joko! we can do this and we can earn big bucks! (plus adsense!)
§ happiness is a choice. and i choose to be happy. bow!
ang wafu ni chucky sa pics, in fairness.
i hate it when people fight. stop fighting, people! peacemakers na tayo, carla. kahit minsan may pagkawarfreak rin tayo.
ana, bati na kayo ni omeng ha?
miki, peace na kmi ni omeng. back to the same "us" na naman.
carla, ate tlaga u had to write it in a blog pa... ano bhe?
3 weeks and 3days to go...
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