went to sixcyclemind's album launch at teatrino greenhills with joko (miki's is still @ hong kong!), met up with her at rockwell and then went to greenhills where we made it just in time to catch 6CM performance...there is this orchestra thingy and some sort of play and some surprise gimiks. i enjoyed their come to my window number because of the all star cast and i think its the first time that i saw them perform the song. it's still an all star cast - shining shimmering ang someone and i can say it's a sucessful launch! congrats 6cm and soupstar!

anyhoo, joko and i pigged out at grilla after the launch (we ate kare kare, adobo, enselada, calamares plus go nuts donuts) and met up chuck at terriyaki boy nearby. it was always fun to hang-out with joko and chuck -OMG! laughtrip talaga! we missed you kulot!
with jokoness and chuckyness
on the other hand, the best news of all...miki and i are going to bora! yes we are! yehey!! watch out coz here we come! hehehe! miki and i will be joined by ana and chuck and hopefully by joko (make it a 24hours shift dude!)
and so the countdown begins! 40 days till our bora trip! yes! yes! yes!
and 40 days to lose weight...whew!
and 40 days to lose weight...whew!
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