so last night i went out with JOKO-the birthday girl, miki, and dino to celebrate joko's 25th...we had dinner at sentro (and ate the corned beef sinigang), then got chocolate high @ max brenner! fondue is fun fun fun! samahan pa ng camwhoring for all fun and yes i really did got high with all the chocolate thing, that i actually bothered my big bro when i saw him in a drinking fresco with hins friends two blocks away from our house. joko, got scared when i began shouting "derick! derick" in a really scary high-pitched voice. mwahahha!! i bet his friends are shocked too. anyhow, i had fun and i needed that. work is stressing me too much!
yes i still owe you a big nice gift....
and we shall go shopping soon!
after a decade, the long wait is finally over for the last installment of harry potter book series. with only three hours of sleep, i still woke up at 7am to be at powerbooks ATC! as early as 7am, parking slots at ATC are already full and there's a long long line of people outside powerbooks....whoa! good thing i brought my ipod with me - i swear the line is fucking long but totally worth it! hahahaha!
after 10 hours, i finished reading the was intense, exciting (can't put the book down), and got bitin with the epilogue - ending part of the book....i was hoping for a more elaborate, kinda complete rundown of what happened to the people who survived the war, other than that it was a good last installement. well done j.k. rowling!
after 10 hours, i finished reading the was intense, exciting (can't put the book down), and got bitin with the epilogue - ending part of the book....i was hoping for a more elaborate, kinda complete rundown of what happened to the people who survived the war, other than that it was a good last installement. well done j.k. rowling!

my last adventure with harry (naks! ang drama!)
sorry joko for not making it to your party last saturday, i'm so touched when kiti texted me and making me kulit to go. i honestly got sick plus i got this monthly thing going on that made me so tamad to move. i promise to make it up to you and kiti and all the other friends that i failed to meet.
oh and for your b-day wish, i wish you all the happiness in the world...more money for more shopping, a healthy lovelife plus all the perks (you know what i mean), more years of good friendship, more inspiration for the sexy you project, more crushes, more booking for banio kreek, more patience sa pagbabasa ng mga non-sense text ko lalo na pag ngarag ako sa work, travel time with me (let's go to thai and hk), more boys, more concert, more food trip, laughtrip, road trip, more fun, basta all the best for you! thanks for everything! loves you girl!!
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