it is as if history repeats itself, once again my first gig for 2007 is at 19east and with cueshé. i met up with ritz, joko, miki and jeman and 19east at around 930 or so, i was able to gave jeman my late x-mas gift - a melanie b cd from and he was so so so happy happy joy joy! hehehe! ruben shared with us the photos of his new baby boy taken from his cellphone, it's too early yet to determine if the boy looks like ruben or kezia but for sure the boy has ruben's beautiful eyes! hehehe! i was able to meet mrs. labrado and fritz's cute daughter - tipay and for the first time i heard them perfrom live their rendition of the asian treasure theme song -
walang yamang mas hihigit sayo.
for a change we opted to stay on the 2nd floor of 19east - the view is okay din naman and i was able to take good shots and convince ruben to dance! yehey! as usual there are lots of pictures and lots of chismis and lots of kulitan - kailangan pa bang i-memorize yun? hindi fun pag walang yung 3 elements na yan!

ritz.joko.carla (outside 19 east)

carla and ritz - while cueshé's onstage

an attempt to have a decent group pic with everybody - as in lahat!
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