trina apologized for all the things said and done in the past, it was an inner working of somebody else. anyways, i was glad and it was cool after all i don't really know her personally, we were not formally introduced and no physical contact at all. burying the hatchet is great! loving it!
rainy day is on it's way and my friends relationship status is getting along quite well with the weather - cold, wet and uncertain....which sucks! summer seemed to be great, and now everything is not the way it used to be. maybe change is really inevitable in all aspects of life.
BHU is now existing. (BHU = broken hearts united)

10 days til my birthday!! (yes, just ten more days!)
i still want a new phone...and a new laptop!
and dami palang gemini sa pilipinas...yes go go!! (pati si hayden!)